Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chris Whitley - Wednesday Update

From Peter Alexander:

Chris is settling into the routine of recovery. The doctors are keen to see him clear the rest of the phlegm in his lungs which has been present from day one, and he gets physio in the mornings and occasional scans to see how things are progressing. There is a suggestion that in coming days he might be popped onto a stationary bike to test his legs as well.

He still has a feeding tube but is able to feed himself a little as well, and those of us with any experience of hospital food will realise this is not just a physical achievement, but also a mental one!

From here on he will have his good days and bad days and for us it is important to respect his rest time, and balance this with his need for a bit of company and stimulation. He needs those little workouts and then his recovery time, just like any good training program.

He tried to temp me into playing Frisbee with the plastic lid from his plate yesterday, which is another indication that even when tired and feeling the weight of his injuries that the spark is burning inside willing and waiting for the rest of him to catch up.

He has come a long way in a few days, and surprised a few of the medical staff along the way – our hope is that he continues to do that.

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